We believe in the precious gift of the Savior Jesus, who lived, died, and rose again, and is exalted to the right hand of God where he is interceding on our behalf (Romans 8:32) Further, we believe in the perfect and inspired Word of God- which proclaims that Story of God and His people being led into a perfect relationship with Him through Jesus.
We believe in the power of God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit who are uniquely intertwined for the sole purpose to reveal everything pertaining to the call to every man, woman, and child to come to a place of repentance, that is, the forgiveness of sin.
We believe that the Church is to be the representation to a world where hearts are breaking and lost in the mess that is made called sin and disobedience. Thus, we embrace the call of every sinner to repent and surrender to the message of salvation through the acts and teachings of Jesus Christ, who is fully and completely one with the Father in substance and being. For He and the Father and the Holy Spirit are from the beginning. God is then Three in One, manifested and revealed to us over the history of humanity.
We embrace the beauty of baptism for every believer. That they would experience a renewal through this symbolic act to testify to the life change and transformation through the power of Jesus Christ. We practice complete and full immersion of baptism for every believer whenever it is deemed possible.
We celebrate the Lord’s supper, those elements (The Bread and the Cup/Drink) which represent both the body and blood of Jesus which was poured out and broken on our behalf.
We believe wholeheartedly in the sanctity of marriage. It is ordained as a Holy Union between a man and a woman, established and instituted by God himself. It is an exclusive union in that; “A man shall leave his mother, and woman leave her home. They shall journey on where the two shall be as one flesh.” Genesis 2:24