Imagine if you will, to unfold more of the untold story of the visit of the Wise Men from the east. I wonder what their journey was really like. I am captivated by the unknowns in their story. How long did this journey take? Where did they come from exactly? I’m convinced the journey wasn’t easy peasy; I suspect they had scary nights and difficult days. As we ponder this event and brief episode, it creates scenarios where they may have had doubts, gotten lost, or they argued on which way the star is leading, or they talk some nights about turning around and going home.
Maybe we gloss over their story and see it as simply as what we tell our children as a side note to the main story and character; Jesus. But there they are, a pivotal role in the overall story.
The Magi/Wise Men well, they were human beings, with human limitations and failings. One of them could’ve been a planner, and another a fly-by-the-seat-of-his-pants guy, these differences alone would make for an interesting journey. There were no drive-thru hamburger joints, no clean rest areas and they didn’t have Google or even a fold out map!
They followed a star without knowing all the ins and outs.
The book, “Anything”, by Jennie Allen. She states;
“Somewhere in my life I picked up the idea that if things don’t feel right or fall perfectly into place, God was not in them.” I wonder if I would’ve stuck with following the star?
The Wise Men teach us to follow in faith because there is One worthy of Worship. Somehow, they were able to look beyond the difficulty of the journey and anticipate what they were going to experience when they saw the King.
How’s your journey going? How’s your faith holding up? What are you anticipating? Are you living “wise?”
May God Bless you Journey and may you trust him in it.
Pastor Craig Hunnel
Donny Crandell says
Great devotional. Thank you. Keep them coming